
An endonym is a name that people give to the area where they live. For example, you might live in a city that is officially named "Washington Heights," but you and all of your neighbors call it "The Heights." This is an endonym.

The Endonym Project is an effort to collect as many endonyms as possible and showcase the data in interesting ways.

We can't automatically determine your location, but you are welcome to manually move and zoom the map to add your endonyms.

What do you call this area?

There are no wrong answers. If possible, move the map so that it is centered on the area you are naming.

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Move the map around, zoom in on any areas that you have lived in, and share your endonyms for those places.



Thanks for participating!

You can continue sharing your endonyms for other locations that you've lived by manually moving and zooming the map, or you can view the map of all of the endonyms that people have shared.

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View the Endonym Map